2004/05/10(Mon) [長年日記]
■ はー
2004/05/12(Wed) [長年日記]
■ Liquor on the airplane
I like Gin Tonic cocktail served on JAL airplane (there is not in menu). It is not an instant cocktail, often served on Japanese low-priced lush house or karaoke, but constitute of Suntory Tonic Water and Bombay Sapphire Gin with sliced lemon. I'm grad that I can taste such delicious liquor in even economy class, during viewing sea of clouds.
■ Arrival
I arrived NY with no accident and moved Plainview with only one mistake the road. I have a time-zone fatigue with sleep and headache. So I had to listen academic speeches tonight, but I slept during it. I hope to be healthier by tomorrow.
2004/05/13(Thu) [長年日記]
■ Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Now I'm participating the meeting in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). It's located nice place in seaside deep forest. I feel the lapse of time is slowly different from Japan. But I can't relax yet because I have a session about my work. By the way, the gift shop at CSHL sells bears, but they are differing from Japanese voguey KUMA.
2004/05/14(Fri) [長年日記]
■ English communication
Today I completed my session. In this time I spoke most English in my life. And it was my first time to success English communication to native. I thought that I'm not good at speaking and listening English. So it was a surprised event. Now I can change my thought that my English maybe available.
2004/05/16(Sun) [長年日記]
■ NYC sightseeing
The meeting in CSHL was over. Today I played in NYC. This was my first time to foreign sightseeing. I had many first experiences today.
First, I went to Yankee Stadium to watch game of New York Yankees vs Seattle Mariners. I think this is golden card for Japanese people. I was lucky that I could see such game in especially today. Japanese players in each term (Matsui and Ichiro) came but not so active today.
Second, I went to Empire State Building. This is very high tower in NYC so that I can look down NYC buildings. I like designs of NYC buildings like SimCity. Thus I took many pictures about it. It is my first time to visit this tower, but I remember old days. In those days, there was a small bibelot of ESB in my family home. The sight of NYC at dusk was beautiful.
Third, I went to China Town to have a dinner. This town is chaotic like Akihabara so that I like the air. I had a cheap Chinese dinner. It tasted delicious and enigmatic.
2004/05/18(Tue) [長年日記]
■ ただいま
2004/05/19(Wed) [長年日記]
■ 眠
2004/05/25(Tue) [長年日記]
■ 鯖の朝
ふと mailman のページを見ていたら,ちょっと新しいバージョンが出ている。パスワード関係のバグが直っているとのことなので,これは入れた方が良いだろうということでインストールをはじめた。説明によると更新は make install 程度で終わるようだったので,酒でも飲みつつ気楽にやったが,これが全然ダメで動かなくなってしまってさぁ大変。しょうがないので python なんて知らんよと泣きつつ頑張った。色々と試行錯誤を繰り返し,夜明けにはメールの配送が復活するようになった。まだ Web が日本語になってない気がするが,そんなに利用者はいないだろうから気にしないことにする。しかし,徹夜してしまったではないか…。ヤバいなぁ。しくしくしくしく。ちゃんと健康的に寝ようと思っていたのに。
2004/05/27(Thu) [長年日記]
■ Linux での RAID の削除
Fedora Core 2 をセットアップするときに導入したソフトウェア RAID の一部を消去して LVM に変更しようとした。fdisk でパーティーションの設定を弄って,/etc/raidtab や /etc/fstab を変更したところ,とりあえず意図したとおりの動作はできるようになった。ただ,lsraid コマンドを実行したときに,もう使っていない (/etc/raidtab から消去してパーティーションも作り直した) RAID デバイス (md0 とか) が表示されてしまう。lsraid コマンドはどうやら /etc/raidtab や /proc/mdstat とは別の情報源から RAID デバイスの一覧を生成しているようなのだが,その情報源が謎。別に動作に関しては問題ないんだけど,何かをし忘れているようで気持ちがよくない。
● (=^・^=) [お、お、お これはすごい! カクテルやさんのテキヤみたいですぅ!]
● ゆきのぶ [それなりに本格的なカクテルが無料で飲めるとあって,それはもう大盛況で休む間もなかったけど,すごく楽しかった!!]